Membership Level change

You have selected the Associate Membership membership level.

Associate Membership is opened to all individuals who are:-

  • 1. involved in optical related industries and
  • 2. shall have all privileges of Membership except the right to vote and to hold office in the Association.

The price for membership is MYR 322.00 now and then MYR 72.00 per Year.

Membership expires on January 1, 2025.

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Term & Condition

Extracts of Rules and Constitution


The Membership of the Assocation shall not be limited in number.
The classes of Membership shall be:

  • Ordinary Membership;
  • Life Membership;
  • Honorary Membership;
  • Associate Membership;
  • Student Membership;

Ordinary Membership shall be opened to:-

  1. Juruoptik Opticians registered with The Malaysia Optical Council (MOC), or
  2. Possess MAPO Conversion Course, or
  3. FBOO holders

Life Membership shall be awarded to persons who:-

  1. Have attained the age of 55 and no longer in gainful employment; provided such persons have been in continuous membership with the Association for at least 10 years;
  2. Have served a full term as President and who, in the opinion of the Committee, merit such an award; or
  3. Have paid a subscription of RM 2,000.00 in single sum; or
  4. Have served on the Committee of the Assocation as an office bearer or committee member continuously for ten (10) years or more and who in opinion of the committee, merit such an award.

Honorary Membership may be awarded to persons who:

  1. Have rendered valuable service to the Association: and/or
  2. Have, in the opinion of the Committee, made an outstanding contribution to the unity and general welfare of the Members of the Association. Honorary Members may enjoy all privileges of membership except the right to vote and to hold office in the Association.

Associate Membership is opened to all individuals who are involved in optical elated industries and shall have all privileges of Membership except the right to vote and to hold office in the Association.

Student Membership:

  1. Open to all students who are studying optometry courses listed in the First Schedule and Second Schedule of The Malaysian bptical Act 1991 or any equivalent courses as the Committee deems appropriate and shall have all privileges of Membership except the right to vote and to hold office in the Association.
  2. Students who have obtained Juruoptik Certificates or full FBOO qualification may apply to the Association to have their membership upgraded to Ordinary Members. When such application is made to the Assocation, they would
    have to top up by paying the difference between Student Membership and Ordinary Membership rates for both Entrance and Annual Subscription fees.

Every application for Ordinary / Life Membership shall, be proposed and seconded by two existing Ordinary / Life Members on the forms prescribed by the Committee and shall be forwarded to the Secretary who shall, at first convenient opportunity, submit it to the Committee for approval. The Committee may at its discretion reject any application without assigning any reason therefor. Where any urgent application requiring the approval of the Committee arises and it is not possible to convene a meeting, the President, jointly with the Secretary may at their discretion approve or reject any application without assigning any reason therefor.

Every applicant whose application has been approved as foresaid shall, upon payment of the prescribed entrance fee and the annual subscription, be admitted as a Member of the Association and shall be entitled to all privileges of

Entrance Fees, Subscriptions and other dues

All annual subsription fees shall be payable in advance within the first calendar month of each year.