Soft Lens Fitting & Follow-up
As stated in Optical Act 1991, Contact Lens Dispensing is only allowed for Registered Optometrists or Registered Opticians with Pink Cert.
Have you wondered why it is so important to equip the Opticians with additional knowledge and skills before dispensing Contact Lenses?
Here is an opportunity for you to spend 1-Day to understand more about the Art and Science of Soft Lens Fitting and the importance of the follow-up:
Seminar Title: Soft Lens Fitting & Follow-up
Speaker: Chan Chee Min (Optometrist)
Date: 23 July 2015 (Thursday)
Time: 8.30 AM to 4.00 PM
Venue: Axismatics Professional Institute
Unit G 08, Wisma Zelan, 1, Jalan Tasik Permaisuri 2, Bandar Sri Permaisuri, 56000 Kuala Lumpur
Event Flow:
8.30 AM – 12.00 PM Theory Session
12.00 PM – 1.00 PM Lunch
1.00 PM – 4.00 PM Practical Session using Slit-Lamp
Admission: RM 50 per person (MAPO Members will receive RM50 refund at the end of the session)
Capacity: 20 (Only the first 20 applications will be accepted)
* Lunch will be provided
Send email to info@mapo.org.my with your fullname and/or your MAPO Membership Number (for Member)
Payment: Transfer the RM50 to MAPO Maybank account number: 514039502849 and send the receipt in email to info@mapo.org.my (please specify your name in the payment description and specify “CPD” in the optional description).
Open to all registered opticians.
** Proudly Sponsored by BenQ Service & Marketing (M) Sdn Bhd (Product: Miacare Contact Lens) (www.miacare.com.my)
– Attending this session does not imply in anyway that participants (opticians) could dispensing Contact Lenses without pink cert.
– It is hope that the participants will have a better understanding on what to expect and sign up with the Contact Lens Competency course to acquire Pink Cert or to sign up with the Accelerated Optometrist Course accordingly.